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If you want to use the consoleFISH on a regular basis you can benefit from registering your personal account. |
In order to make sure that the consoleFISH is not being abused for any kind of malicious act,
it has to be made sure that its users are all human. This is done by use of the "Are you human?"
dialog box where it is possible to either repeatedly solve a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated
Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) or to sign in to a personal account.
The use of the CAPTCHA is primarily intended for users who rarely use the consoleFISH and/or
have only short SSH sessions. It makes it possible to access the service completely for free.
Alternatively, a personal account can be registered for authentication. Once your E-mail address and
password have been entered, no more "Are you human?" dialog boxes will appear for the entire browser
session. This form of authentication is intended for frequent users who want to manage long SSH
sessions within the consoleFISH application. The service fee for a single user registration
starts at 3 Euros/month or 15 Euros/year. This is how it works:
You register your account by entering your E-Mail address as well as your desired password in the
fields below. Select the desired payment model and click on "Buy now".
Register a Personal Account
Once your payment has been processed we will send you an E-Mail message, notifying you that
your personal account has been activated.
The next time you use the consoleFISH you enter your E-Mail address and password instead of solving the
CAPTCHA. No more "Are you human?" dialog boxes will appear until your current browser session is
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to
get in touch with us.
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(c) serFISH.com,